Confocal Microscopes
ADM offers 5 commercial systems with optical sectioning capability: laser point scanning microscope and spinning disk based systems, adapted to different purposes:
SPE Confocal Microscope, Upright, Leica Microsystems (2007).
laser lines: 405, 488, 532, 633.
Routine and high resolution immunostaining.
Spinning disk confocal microscope, Inverted, ANDOR Revolution (2009).
Fast live imaging with CSU-X1 spinning disk,
laser lines: 405, 488, 561.
FRAPPA: laser manipulation module for FRAP and Photoactivation.
LSM780: Spectral / hyperspectral confocal microscope, Inverted, Carl Zeiss (2014).
High resolution Live Imaging, large field of view imaging with tiled scanning.
Hyperspectral imaging with 32-channels detector.
laser lines: 405, 440, argon multiline, 488, 515, 561, 640.
FLIM imaging and FRET by Time-correlated single photon counting (TCSPC, Picoquant module)
LSM880: Spectral / hyperspectral confocal Microscope, Inverted, Carl Zeiss (2017).
High resolution Live Imaging,
Image Scanning Microscopy: Fast Imaging with Fast Airyscan (array detector)
Image Scanning Microscopy for Super resolution with Airyscan
laser lines: 405, 488, 561, 640.
LIPSI Spinning disk imaging for High-content and High-Throughput Screening, Inverted, Nikon (2021)
Fast live imaging with 2-cameras spinning disk Yokogawa CSU-W1 system
Large field of view, confocal imaging from 10x to 100x magnifications
Long-term imaging (up to several days) including at high resolution with water immersion dispenser
Multiple multiwell plates loading with robot arm, incubation of multiwell plates on the system.
Stellaris: laser scanning confocal imaging with white light laser, STED and FLIM. Inverted, Leica (2024).
White light laser: pulsed continuous spectrum illumination from 440 to 790nm, for advanced spectral imaging. Additional line at 405nm.
FLIM imaging module for lifetime applications and FRET.
STED super resolution with 3 depletion lines: 592 (CW), 660 (CW), 775 (pulsed).