Optical Clearing

Immersion of a Lung tissue in BABB after dehydration: transparency becomes effective in ca. 30'.

The process of making organs and tissues transparent is called Optical Clearing, and is aimed to enable deeper imaging into large tissues (up to centimeters).

We provide assistance and service for clearing tissues with many protocols, among which the most commonly used in our facility are:

- Murray's clear and derivatives: Dehydration + BABB immersion (BABB: Benzyl Alcohol + Benzyl Benzoate 1:2)

- CUBIC, and new derivates

- CLARITY (passive)

- Disco family: 3Disco, iDisco, Disco+, final immersion in DBE.

- Ethylcinnamate (ECI and ECI2)


At ADM, Optical Clearing is a free service when integrated in the imaging workflow of organ imaging with MacroSPIM

For more details and inquiries, please contact lidia (dot) bardia (at) irbbarcelona (dot) org