
Access: Internal AND external

Located in Room PBC12, our microscopy systems are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (with exceptions of systems requiring our presence) to all scientists working within the Barcelona Science Park (PCB, Cluster and Helix buildings) and Barcelona area.

External scientists and companies can also access our facilities. Please send a request to microscopy(at), describing the goal and principles of the experiments.


During office hours (9am-6pm), access to the most busy systems may be restricted to a maximum of 4 hours per user. This restriction is released if booking is made less than 48h before the experiment. Long-term Live imaging system (e.g. ScanR/CellR) have no time booking restrictions.

Access to our booking application must be granted by the ADM staff for each new user and for each system.

Booking is possible up to 14 days in advance on all systems.

Some systems might have further booking restrictions (example: number of hours available per group per week). If you experience any problems or need special booking conditions for a specific experiment, please contact us.

To access the instrument booking application form, please click here. (Please note that you will need to accept an SSL certificate when accessing the booking application)

Billing policies 2018 Rates (PDF)

We apply a 30% discount out of office hours (8am to 9am, 6pm to 10pm) and 50% discount for overnight imaging (from 10pm to 8am, bookable as one continuous slot).

Cancellation policies

Late cancellation (< 24h in advance) will result in billing if the time slot is not reserved by another user. To optimize communication of late cancellations, we recommend users to send an email to the user-group-lists when they cancel a slot